Parents Page
At our school, we work collaboratively with parents to ensure each child is actively engaged and ready to learn. We believe in maintaining open communication between the school and families valuing the role you play in helping your child succeed.
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School Council
At Albanvale Primary School we value the role that our School Council plays in setting the key direction of the school. Parents on School Council provide important viewpoints and have valuable skills that help shape the direction of the school.
Parents and Guardians of students attending Albanvale Primary are encouraged to become involved in the School Council. Elections are held in March each year and nomination forms may be obtained at the Office.

School Policies are regularly developed and updated in consultation with the Policies sub-committee, School Council and School Staff. To view all pending and ratified policies please click on the link below. To provide feedback, seek clarification or find out more about our school policies please contact our front office or email us at
Parent Contributions
Schools provide students with free instruction to fulfill the standard Victorian Curriculum. Nevertheless, the ongoing support of our families ensures that our school can offer the best possible education, support, and enrichment for our students. Click here to view the DE parent payments policy.
This includes individual access to a fully equipped and service laptop for each student, and subscriptions to high quality learning programs including Mathletics, Rediwriter, Reading Eggs and SoftLink ebooks.
Students in grades 3-6 can also opt-in to our take-home laptop program providing each student with their own, fully loaded laptop to take home each night, weekend, and across school holidays providing them with limitless opportunities to learn and grow.

Arriving at School
The school gates open to all students at 8:45 each morning. It is important that students do not arrive too early or left unattended before school. Teachers commence supervision of students once they enter the school from 8:45. Students practice independence from when they arrive at school by entering the classroom and following the routine of putting their bag, preparing their learning materials, and changing over their take-home reading books before the lesson begins.
To ensure every student is ready to learn, breakfast is available each morning in your child’s classroom from 8:45 to
9:00 am. Breakfast is available to all students and includes cereal, milk, toast, fruit, and occasionally special items. items.

The APS School Council has developed a uniform policy
designed to instill a sense of pride and identity within our community. All students must wear approved items and colours in accordance with the school’s policy. The latest
uniform list is available on our school website and at the front
As part of our SunSmart Policy, it is compulsory for all students to wear a school hat From September to April each
year. Please ensure your child has a navy, wide-brimmed school hat to wear. Baseball caps are not permitted. Students
who do not wear a hat will be required to stay in the designated undercover area at break times.

Student Absences
Parents are expected to report their child's absence through the Compass Portal on the day of their absence. To find out more, see the 'Compass Page' on this website or contact the general office. Alternatively, notification of student absences by telephone on the day is appreciated between 8.30 - 9.00 am. Students who arrive after 9:00 am must sign in at the office before joining their class.

Canteen Menu
Lunch orders are available to students through our canteen every day. When ordering lunch, you need to clearly write your child’s name and order on a brown paper bag with money enclosed. They will then place their order in th Lunch order tub in their classroom. Our canteen offers a selection of healthy foods and drinks. Please ensure your child still has a healthy play lunch for the morning break even if they have a lunch order. The canteen is also available to students during break times for small snacks.